Meera-Devi and The Mad Terran's Music Blog

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I'd just thought I'd post a quick note. I am alive and well and hoping to get the first show up for download tomorrow.

As of now, I'm listening to what I've stitched together and have been enjoying it immensely.

This is mostly for the RSS Feed I've st up through livejorunal for all those people out there. If anyone's curious, it's madterran_music, so add it to your F-List.

If anyone would like it for their Xanga or GJ account, we'll see what we can do.

For now, my latest purchase was Loudon Wainwright III's "Here Come the Helicopters." The record is a lot of fun, so give it a listen. Yes, that's Wainwright as in Rufus or Martha. I just happen to enjoy their father a whole lot more than Rufus since he seems to have more fun musically. I keep meaning to give Martha a listen, though.

I'm also waiting for a Floyd tribute album to arrive as well as a Charles Mingus.

I promise, more to come.

Floydianly yours,
The Mad Terran


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