Meera-Devi and The Mad Terran's Music Blog

Saturday, August 26, 2006

From a Mailing List I'm On . . .


In an interview with Rolling Stone, circulated Aug 22, Bob Dylan, 65, said: 'I don't know anybody who's made a record that sounds decent in the past twenty years, really.'

'You listen to these modern records, they're atrocious, they have sound all over them,' he added. 'There's no definition of nothing, no vocal, no nothing, just like... static.' Dylan was commenting on modern technology that compresses music to make it louder on playback. This is done for MP3 players that most youngsters use to listen to music.

So what's his position on fans downloading music for free?

'Well, why not? It ain't worth nothing anyway.' Way to go Bob."

This little snippet is from a Mailing List I'm on called Big-O, which is worth checking out for the Roio's.

Personally, I think the man who took folk electric is a bit too full of himself and his music. And I don't think he's put a decent album out in 30 years.


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