Meera-Devi and The Mad Terran's Music Blog

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Somethings. . .

I know it's been fairly quiet around here. Both Meera and I have been quite busy with lives. I have been continuing the evening shoutcasts though. If you want in on them on Tuesday evenings, just email one of us and we'll let you know what's going on for that week's show.

For the time being, living Florida, we've been watching Hurricanes and I've been preparing to visit dellessa, who has also been kind enough to do some art for the main site, but I haven't quite had a chance to work it out and put it up. Hopefully, we'll finally have a decent logo.

Bear in mind, things are a foot, and I plan to have a new podcast up and ready tyo download before I step on a plane on Thursday. . . hurricanes permitting.

In the meantime, I found this surfing the net a couple days ago. It's an album put out by Soulseek records. It's a nice, independent electronic album that had me going for an afternoon. So give it a listen while we weather Wilma.


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