Meera-Devi and The Mad Terran's Music Blog

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Soundgarden v. Joni Mitchell

I'm sure you would think that it wouldn't work, but my god, it does. I was digging online for a song that I heard on the radio that I should have known was CSN&Y doing "Woodstock." In that search, I found a file that took Joni Mitchell's vocals and put them over Soundgarden's "Like Suicide." I don't know who Scott Murray is, Google didn't tell me much, but I really like what this DJ put together. I would never have thought these two would have worked, so I offer it up here. It strangely enough makes Joni sound like McLauchlan or Amos with the backing. It sure as hell puts Evanescence or even Nightwish to shame.

Like Woodstock

The second song I'm putting up is a random track I've found time and time again that I love, but it woefully miss labeled. It's called "Spaceship Blues" but it's definitely not by Jim, Jimi and Joplin. As far as anyone can tell, the three never performed together seriously (though I saw some speculation about a bar gig). I've got a CD of some "jamming" Jim Morrison did with Jimi Hendrix and Buddy Guy in a bar in New York in about 1968, but this definitely isn't from that. The song is a lot of fun though, but it sounds like a more recent track. If the creator of the track is reading this, please drop me a line so I can thank you in person and we can set this minor mystery to rest.

Spaceship Blues

Finally, there's a final track that I won't bother to add here. It is often mislabelled when you go searching for it, but Pink Floyd never seemed to do "House of the Rising Sun." That random file is actually done by a fairly obscure sixties band called Frijid Pink: which you will hear on this website one of these days since it is currently my favourite version of this song. It's a kick ass song performed by a kick ass Detroit band. I almost fainted like the sixties rock fanboy I am when I saw and bought the album with that song on it in Blue Note.

That's all for now, just a quick one for the evening. Expect some shows to come along shortly.


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