Meera-Devi and The Mad Terran's Music Blog

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Another show from 45's

So I've recently come into a small collection of 45's. They aren't much, but there's a good deal of fun stuff in it, and some of it is actually listenably. Since I don't have much in the way of mp3's on this computer, I decided I would make them the next show. Sadly, the source material wasn't up to the quality it could have been. I've got a version of Frank and Nancy Sinatra doing "Something Stupid" with a deep gash in it where it looks like a chunk of the song was simply removed. I've also learned that on a couple 45's the songs were rarely able to play all the way through and the ending of the song would be chopped off.

Also, I don't know much help cleaning will do on some of these. For now, however, here's an attempt. It's going to be a bit distorted, but not painfully so. You just have to keep in mind the source material.

So here's to the jukebox.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


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