Memoir of a Pink Floyd Fan boy
No, I'm not going to gush for a dozen pages about the greatness that is this band. I'm saving that one for another post, actually. But I think my statements regarding them v. Led Zeppelin v. Queen have been well documented (though I can't remember if on this site.) Through my wanderings through the Pink Floyd world, I came across, which is basically a guy who's been doing Floyd only shows for a while, apparently and recently entered the realm of podcasting (which apparently is what we do on this site). So if you're into Floyd and want to hear some oddities from them, enjoy.
Eventually, I'll get around to doing my own, but I'll make mine more of a primer for the un-initiated.
I also did my second, and first annouced show. We had about six stop in and listen at one point or another. The highest connected at one point was 4. If there's enough people on, and I'm bored enough, we'll do another one Saturday night.